Eight Explosive Secrets To a Healthy Longer Life

Mussarat Mirza
6 min readJan 10, 2021


Now-a-days in this modern, fast technological era , a healthy long life has become a dream due to the mechanical routine of life.

Unfortunately, we have forgotten to spare time for ourselves in this day and night non-stop worldly race of life. This is the reason that everyone is looking for the short and quick ways to live healthy longer life in their fast routine .

Does living longer mean you are healthy ?

Obviously, good health increases the life span . As it keeps you active and full of potential. You enjoy your life and it multiplies the number of days of your life.

Longevity of life with Healthy life style

Feeling the need of health here I have shared 8 tips to live longer life through our healthy life style.

Life expectancy is determined by genes:

Although genes play a minor role in life expectancy, environmental factors and lifestyles are recognized as more important in longevity. In today’s article we will find out the eight explosive secrets about the lifestyle that leads to longevity.

1. DNA protection

2. Decision making with understanding

3. Make friends

4. Quit smoking

5. Get in the habit of taking a nap

6. Mediterranean diet plan

7. Strong relationship

8. Stay active and happy

1. DNA protection

Do you know why it is so important to protect DNA?

For your surprise it is important because the longevity of your life is based on the health of your DNA . Scientific research has proved that the signs of aging occur in DNA.

Aging Process requires DNA protection

Yes, your genetic formation can denote your age through the ends of your chromosomes (called telomeres). Telomeres play very crucial role in human body.

Secret revealed about human organic age

According to the scientific research , the organic age of a human being is determined by the length of the telomere in DNA. It is observed that as we get older, the ends of the DNA, called telomeres, get smaller . With the passage of time as we age, our DNA-protecting elements weaken, which is why older people are more susceptible to disease and life becomes at risk.

New research to determine the longevity of life

However, it is generally believed that this is a condition that is beyond the reach of human beings, but the results of new scientific research are quite different. During a pilot study, the enzyme was promoted through lifestyle changes and this process led to an increase in telomere length in human DNA.

According to another study, 3 main elements can enhance the length of telomere by protecting it from shortening.

▪︎ Balanced diet

▪︎ Exercise

▪︎ Healthy habits

They help to reduce cellular levels in humans and determine the longevity of life.

2. Decision making with understanding

Decision making with understanding

When the lives of people who lived a long life were studied for years, the most obvious thing in the results was that these people were endowed with awareness and decision-making power.

Never regret your decision

It was also observed that people who lived long life , do not let their inner conscience sleep, think before they do anything and perform actions that actually fall into the category of right decisions. There is no room for wish or frustration in the life of these individuals.

Be positive

According to another research , the people who live longer ,they adopt positive attitude towards life . They always select better positive behaviours for their health. They choose things that lead to stronger relationships and a better career.

3. Make friends

Having good friends leads to a longer and better life. Various studies highlight a strong link between strong social relationships and longevity.

Make healthy friendship

Healthy friendship

This relationship also protects you from diseases that attack a healthy life. It is also very important to make friends for people who want to live a long life. There is a saying that a person is known by his company, this company can have both negative and positive effects on your behaviour, so choose friends who follow a healthy lifestyle.

For example, if your friends include people who have gained a lot of weight by eating unhealthy foods, then your chances of gaining weight are higher than other people, the same is true of smokers. It also applies to friendships with individuals.

4. Quit smoking

Quit smoking

More than 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes shorten a person’s life by 8 minutes, which is why quitting smoking is considered an increase in life expectancy. While giving up this habit at the age of 40, 50 and 60 increases your age by 3, 6 and 9 years respectively.

5. Get in the habit of taking a nap

The benefits of nap are recognized all over the world, but now there is scientific evidence that taking a nap in the afternoon increases a person’s lifespan.

Get in the habit of taking a nap

According to a new study, taking a nap once or twice a week halves the risk of heart attack, stroke and other heart diseases. According to researchers, taking a nap in the afternoon can reduce the levels of stress hormones produced in the heart.

6. Mediterranean diet plan

A healthy diet plan

The Mediterranean Diet is a complete diet plan consisting mostly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish. People who follow this diet plan are protected from the dangers of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome includes damage such as obesity, high blood pressure and other heart diseases.

7. Strong relationship

According to a study, married people live longer than single people.

Strong relationship

In the opinion of researchers , marriage provides support to man economically , socially and emotionally. A research study of the medical statistics of thousands of people in 7 countries of the European Union, the results showed that married people compared to those living alone. Live more than ten to 15 years.

8. Stay active and happy

There is clear evidence that people whose daily routine includes exercising regularly live longer than those who do not.

Stay active and happy

Habits of daily walking, gratitude and being happy certainly play an important role in prolonging your life. It is important to set aside at least 10 minutes of exercise throughout the day, thus duration of 2 to 2.5 hours of exercise must be throughout the week.

Let go of the grudge , let unlock the happiness

The longer negative feeling remains , the greater the loss of the health. Let go of grudges, forgiveness is not always easy. Being hurt or betrayed by someone you trust is very painful.

Many experts now believe that forgiveness is a choice and a skill. A popular model suggests that if you choose to learn this skill , you will get rid of stress which is the key to happiness and being happy is also one of the explosive secrets of long life.

Reduce stress

Studies show that those who are able to forgive someone who is not worth it can lower their blood pressure and reduce stress. A small study found that older adults who let go of their dissatisfaction experience become less depressed and improve their health in the short term. The more you are healthy and happy, the longer you live.

To wrap up…

The reason to bring in front “The eight explosive secrets of long healthy life is that in this hectic fast routine of life every one desire to live long healthy life. The study of this article will surely surprise you with the secrets which I disclose in it and will prove beneficial for you to live healthy long life.



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